Understanding wall cracks. Causes and solutions.

Wall cracks are a common problem in construction, and they can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are some of the most common causes of wall cracks:

  1. Shrinkage Cracks: These are the most common type of wall cracks. They occur due to the drying out of concrete or masonry. Shrinkage cracks are usually small and hairline in nature.

  2. Thermal Cracks: These cracks occur due to changes in temperature. When the temperature changes, the concrete or masonry expands and contracts. This expansion and contraction can cause cracks in the wall.

  3. Moisture-Related Cracks: These cracks occur due to changes in moisture content. When the moisture content of the concrete or masonry changes, it can cause cracks in the wall.

  4. Settlement Cracks: These cracks occur due to the settling of the foundation. When the foundation settles, it can cause cracks in the wall.

  5. Construction Defects: These cracks occur due to poor construction practices. Poor construction practices can cause cracks in the wall.

When to worry when seeing cracks?

Typically, hairline cracks are not a cause for concern. However, if the crack is wider or longer, it may be a cause for concern. Hairline as the name suggests is just hair thin wide. But if the crack is wider that 3/32 inch, or extending for more than 3 feet, it may be a cause for concern. The longer the crack, the more serious it is. The location of the crack is also important. If the crack is in the middle of the wall, it may be a cause for concern. But if the crack is near the top or bottom of the wall, it may not be a cause for concern. Some cracks are cosmetic and do not require any repair. There are also some cracks that are structural and do require repair.For cosmetic cracks, you can use a filler or paint to cover the crack. For structural cracks, you will need to call a professional contractor to repair the crack. The seetelems cracks are more serious and may require a structural repair.

What to do when you see a crack?

If you see a crack, the first thing you should do is to determine if the crack is cosmetic or structural. If it is cosmetic, you can use a filler or paint to cover the crack. If it is structural, you will need to call a professional engineer to assess the crack. Structural engineer to will evaluate the crack and determine if iti s cause for concern. If it is a cause for concern, the engineer will recommend a repair solution.

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